satellite dishes, condenser microphones, geophones, loudspeakers, tripods, motors

Annexe22, Esch (LU), video credits: Paulius Sokolovas
'Radau Radar' reshapes sound reflections in interior spaces through moving physical surfaces. Conceived during a "sonic explores" residency in Dakar, Senegal, the work extends research into cyclic and repetitive phenomena. The installation creates an acoustic environment through strategically placed speakers and microphones. At its canter, a suspended rotating parabolic dish continuously redirects feedback noise, altering its path through the space. As sound waves encounter changing conditions, both pitch and rhythmic structure evolve continuously. Multiple microphones capture these acoustic variations in real-time, feeding distinct signals to individual speakers – creating an effect similar to the children's game "Telephone."
Through this interplay of shifting sound sources, light reflections, and moving elements, the installation transforms the spatial experience of its environment. 'Radau Radar' challenges viewers' spatial orientation and temporal perception, turning the exhibition space into a dynamic composition of acoustic and visual elements.
Annexe22, Esch (LU), video credits: Paulius Sokolovas